Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I have been interested in ecology and passionate about the earth since I was a little girl, along with Sheli and many of you, I am sure.

Slowly, too slowly, over the years people have come to realize the importance of caring for our precious planet.

Now, so many of us understand the urgency of changing our ways in hopes that we may reverse, or at least halt the destruction we have caused and the depletion of resources due to over consumption and lack of consciousness.

There are also many folks who have become aware and motivated to make changes due to financial concerns. As we move through this recession, and oil prices rise and fall, income has fallen and jobs have been lost; it has become essential for us to find ways to cut back by consuming less. This is a good thing! Not the recession of course, but the tangential environmental benefits. It matters not how we get there, only that we do.

The other current phenomenon is that being green is trendy. There is a term for this called “eco chic”. In a big way, it’s a very good thing that being green is chic and popular. We just hope that it is not just a passing fad, but a movement that gains momentum and lasts!

Keep watching our blog for tips on how to make your home and your life greener!

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